“Doing what you like is freedom”
[row custom_class=””][col-md-6][dropcap custom_class=”normal”]Mafichoni, which is Kiswahili for (“hidden”) was created as a medium for sharing stories, with the primary objective of creating a space where storytelling can act as a motivational tool for readers to, at best, find their respective passions, or at least, be inspired to commence the journey of searching for it. We are the common thread that connects all our passions. Within these passions lay our desires. Therefore, we believe that the key to being our true, authentic, and genuine selves, lies within identifying said desires.
[/dropcap][/col-md-6][col-md-6]We will cover all manner of topics ranging from, lifestyle, culinary arts, education, design, art, travel, nature, self-improvement, social justice, innovation, self care, books and so on. All in the name of awakening passions.
Our Skills
[row custom_class=””][col-md-4][skills value=”79″ size=”180″ bgcolor=”#f2f2f2″ fgcolor=”#000000″ donutwidth=”2″ title=”Searching” font=”henri_didotregular” fontsize=”30px” fontstyle=”” custom_class=””][/skills][/col-md-4][col-md-4][skills value=”97″ size=”180″ bgcolor=”#f2f2f2″ fgcolor=”#000000″ donutwidth=”2″ title=”Pursuing” font=”henri_didotregular” fontsize=”30px” fontstyle=”” custom_class=””][/skills][/col-md-4][col-md-4][skills value=”86″ size=”180″ bgcolor=”#f2f2f2″ fgcolor=”#000000″ donutwidth=”2″ title=”Dreaming” font=”henri_didotregular” fontsize=”30px” fontstyle=”” custom_class=””][/skills][/col-md-4][/row][spacer]